It would be accessible for clients to benefit from the modern facilities and developed devices in Radiology, CT scan and Sonography departments during the weekdays even in holiday’s hostelry, which result in client’s satisfaction.
One of the most significant characteristics in this department is benefit from the well-developed radiologic devices with the modern facilities. Moreover, this department is one of the few departments with the high level of standards in terms of emission protection and other standard aspects based on health ministry approaches.
Radiology department is on your service to offer:
CT scan:
well- developed 16 slices CT scan device (Philips) with the high resolution and capability to separate items in detail. Routine and specific CT scan, CT with/ without injecting, with/ without contrast, Brain and Neck CT Angiography, Lung CT Angiography ,Chest and Abdominal CT Angiography and Kidney CT Angiography, Adrenal gland and lower limbs CT Angiography with the high quality and ability for 3D simulation.
This department has been equipped with qualified Sonography device (Simens), routine and specific Sonographies, Trance Vaginal and rectal Sonography, Fetal and pregnancy Sonography with abnormal assessment. Biophysical and NB Sonography, 3D Venous Doppler Sonography.
Bone Density:
Total bone density assessment,3D bone image if in order.
Various Digital Radiographies include routine and specific digital graphics, BE Radiography, Digital IVP.